EventInfra supports non-profit/community-run events by providing network infrastructures.

Stichting EventInfra is an open project that is founded by members of Stichting Bitlair, the hackerspace in Amersoort (NL). EventInfra supports several EU-based tech-events by providing loans for networking equipment.

Looking for a network infrastructure for your event? Tell us about your event.


Spring+Summer 2023


Spring and summer in 2023 are looking great! Schedulded events that are supported by EventInfra are: CTF PviB 2023, CXT25, Gulaschprogrammiernacht 21 (GPN21), Hack'n'Sun 2023, TBD notcamp, Hackover 2023, IGER 2023, Bornhack 2023, Chaos Communication Camp 2023, Scouting HJ2023, Formulastudent FSG23, NLNOG Day 2023. Enjoy!

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